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Catholic (n): a member of the Christian church under the authority of the Pope in Rome. courtier (n): a member of the royal court who gave advice or companionship to the monarch. doctrine (n): a set of beliefs taught by a religion or political party. dogma (n): a set of principles established as undeniably true by a religious or political authority. [...]

Esta secuencia contiene:

  • 5 actividades

  • 5 recursos

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Secuencia didáctica

  • 1

    Unit 6: The Renaissance and the Reformation

    Catholic (n): a member of the Christian church under the authority of the Pope in Rome. courtier (n): a member of the royal court who gave advice or companionship to the monarch. [...]

  • 2

    Unit 7: Absolute monarchy: the Catholic Monarchs

    Absolute monarchy (n): a system of government in which the king (or queen) has total authority over the state. auto de fe (n): the ritual of public penance by heretics condemned by the Inquisition. [...]

  • 3

    Unit 8: The great geographical discoveries

    Astrolabe (n): an instrument used to make astronomical measurements, and for calculating latitude in navigation. cabildo (n): a municipal council that governed colonial towns in America. [...]

  • 4

    Unit 9: The Habsburg dynasty

    Advisory council (n): a council created by the king to advise him on matters of state, wars and finances. armada (n): a large group of war ships. arquebusier (n): an infantry soldier armed with an arquebus, an early form of rifle. [...]

  • 5

    Unit 10: The Baroque age

    Background (n): the part of a painting behind the main subject that appears furthest from the viewer. civil servant (n): a member of the civil service, the institution that puts the ruler's policies into practice. [...]

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 13 años:
    • Historia
    • Geografía
  • 14 años:
    • Geografía
    • Historia

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