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Final Autoevaluation 1.02 - Plant nutrition

Graph a shows how the size of the pores in the stomata changes when a plant is exposed to light. Describe the changes: ➞ At... o'clock the pores measure... By... o'clock they... bigger/smaller and measure... What effect does the light have? ➞ More/Less light makes the pores get bigger/smaller. Graph b shows the rates of transpiration and water consumption in a plant. Describe the rates: ➞ highest at... o'clock and lowest from... to.. [...]

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Recurso educativo

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 13 años:
    • Biología
    • Geologia
  • 14 años:
    • Geologia
    • Biología

Tipo de recurso

  • Interactivo
  • Ejercicio

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