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Mostrando resultados de 263009
  • Escriu. Oracions amb determinants | Recurso educativo 564444

    Escriu. Oracions amb determinants

    EduBook Organización

    • 2348 visitas

    Escriu oracions amb cada parell de determinants: algun - prou → ...... qualsevol - aquesta → ...... meu - bastant → ...... aquell - terç → ...... cinqué - molt → ...... cada - mateix → ......

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  • Analitza. Formes verbals | Recurso educativo 564533

    Analitza. Formes verbals

    EduBook Organización

    • 2356 visitas

    Llig aquest text i analitza els verbs que hi ha en cursiva negreta. Fixa't en l'exemple: eixí: del verb eixir, tercera persona del singular del passat simple d'indicatiu. Eixí, doncs, de…

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  • Benicassi | Recurso educativo 564597


    EduBook Organización

    • 2347 visitas

    Lectura Tomàs Bernat ARTOLA: Antologia poètica. València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, 1992. lassa: fatigada, cansada. ardit: valent, agosarat. recança: melancolia, tristesa. amanyagant: que fa…

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  • Ho trobaràs. Frases fetes. | Recurso educativo 564858

    Ho trobaràs. Frases fetes.

    EduBook Organización

    • 2350 visitas

    Al tema 6 has vist les frases fetes, que també són combinacions fixes de paraules amb un sentit especial

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  • Introduction - Matter and Materials | Recurso educativo 565019

    Introduction - Matter and Materials

    EduBook Organización

    • 2350 visitas

    All objects around us are made of matter. Matter is anything that occupies space. We find matter in three different states: solid, like ice, liquid, like water, and gas, like water vapour. We can make…

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  • Final evaluation 9 - The Hydrosphere | Recurso educativo 565693

    Final evaluation 9 - The Hydrosphere

    EduBook Organización

    • 2347 visitas

    Decide which of the following sentences are false and correct them: Some 97,4% of the planet's water is continental. More than 75% of the planet's fresh water is located in glaciers. Homes,…

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  • Answer. The market economy 02 | Recurso educativo 566875

    Answer. The market economy 02

    EduBook Organización

    • 2354 visitas

    When does the price of goods tend to rise? And what causes the price to fall?

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  • Communication in a global society | Recurso educativo 567487

    Communication in a global society

    EduBook Organización

    • 2353 visitas

    4.1. Global media A televised world Although the Internet has more users every day, television is still the main source of information and entertainment for most people. Events ranging from wars and…

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  • Investigate. Deforestation | Recurso educativo 567849

    Investigate. Deforestation

    EduBook Organización

    • 2347 visitas

    Deforestation is clearing the Earth's forests on a very large scale. Logging companies, which serve the world's wood and paper industries, are responsible for the felling of many trees each…

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  • Selecciona. L'arquitectura ibera | Recurso educativo 569624

    Selecciona. L'arquitectura ibera

    EduBook Organización

    • 2349 visitas

    Indica quines característiques tenien els poblats ibers: Sostre lleugerament inclinat a les cases. Muralla circular de tova. Fortalesa dins del poblat. Muralla rectangular de pedra. Cabanes de planta…

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